I'm Arvind Rao

Name: Arvind Rao

Profile: Software developer

Email: arvindrao.759@gmail.com

Phone: 8073382778


Python 85%
NodeJS 70%
JavaScript 70%
ExpressJS 60%
About me

I'm a final year undergrad at DSCE Bengaluru. I love to build software that useful and solve real world problems. I also love to play chess and read fiction books. I'm studying Electronics and Telecommunications engineering with 9.12 CGPA so far. I also write blogs about technology and like to talk about games, space, new ideas and startups.


Visual Studio Code

VSCode is a fast responsive editor I personally use.


Postman is an API platform to check backend APIs. It is also used for checking authentication and POST HTTP requests.


Open source Version Control system used to keep track of any code changes.

Mongoose Compass

It is an interface application for MongoDB database. It is agile and flexible.


Software to store all code repositories and work efficiently with teams


AI completion that works well with all JavaScript libraries, Python and many other languages. It's used by over a million developers to amplify accuracy and boost producitivity.


Flipr Externship programs

Worked with backend API development and learnt about good practices when working with API.

Check certificate here:

Still ongoing


Worked with django backend and deployment of software using cPanel. Applied SSL certificate and custom domain name. It was a great learning experience for me learnt a lot about debugging and writing test cases.

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Favourite Quotes

Trust the PROCESS.

– Arvind Rao

Do what is right, not what is easy, nor what is popular.

Roy T Bennett
Discipline leads to habits.
Habits lead to consistency.
Consistency leads to growth.